This Youth Conservation Crops (YCC)
program has engaged local youth to be involved in conservation by applying
technology to the importance of natural resources in our communities. Acequias
are vital to the sustainability of producers in our area. The youth survey and
document local acequias including structures and areas of concern.

YCC Brochure.jpg

After the survey and data collection
took place, the youth created maps and reports for each Acequia. 


The shape files that result from
these surveys are entered into a database, which the East Rio Arriba SWCD uses
to collaborate with acequia groups for future improvements to infrastructure
and areas that are in need.


Report Contents

  • Inventory Maps paired with corresponding sheets documenting structures along the acequia

  • Location and Topography Maps

  • Resource Inventory including head-gates, turnouts, fence lines, culverts, part numbers, etc.

  • Resource concerns including invasive plants species and areas of concern